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Fungal Web-Site

How can a website map and visualise rhizomatic making and thinking?

Screenshot 2023-05-15 at

Often when I write, I struggle with organising my thoughts in a logical, linear fashion, as my ideas often overlap, are fragmented and very associative. I built this website to contain the jumble of reflections, embodied experiences and references that this project entails. When writing, I attempted to balance rhizomatic form and clarity, as not to make my thought process as untraceable as mycelium in the forest.


The Fungal Web-Site is the digital, nomadic, open-ended assemblage that allows me to map all the fruiting bodies and rhizomatic thought that comprises Putting Down Roots. It is not a reproduction of my process, but itself a part of the rhizome and one of the fruiting bodies (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987, p.12). The website allows for a multiplicity of connections between pages, texts and images through digital links and interactive elements (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987, p.8). The ability to click through to another subject allows for endless combinations and entryways into the Fungal Web-Site (Deleuze & Guattari, 1987, p. 8). Future additions can be made to the Fungal Web-Site and this project can evolve, even after graduation.

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Screenshot of home page Putting Down Roots

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fungal web-site fungal web-site

fungal web-site fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site


fungal web-site

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fungal web-site

Screenshot of, (Wilhelm, 2022).

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fungal web-site

fungal web-site fungal web-site


In case you would prefer a more lineair overview of Putting Down Roots, you can read my thesis.


Deleuze, G., Guattari, F., & Massumi, B. (1987). A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (First edition). University of Minnesota Press.


Julia Wilhelm. “Autoarachnology.”, 2022, Accessed 9 May 2023.

I have been inspired by, by Julia Wilhelm, who used the pattern of the spider-web for her website as a metaphor for her practice (Wilhelm, 2022).

Thesis Putting Down Roots, May 2023


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fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site



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fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site

fungal web-site




fungal web-site fungal web-site

fungal web-site fungal web-site


The website has been a valuable tool to map my research, allowing an audience to investigate the open-ended, rhizomatic nature of my experiments in a fitting, interactive way. This way they can zoom in and out of my fruiting bodies at their own speed and in the order that they please. Becoming a co-creator in the narrative of my research.

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